Why I created a Blog!

As millennial's, especially millennial Moms we juggle so many things and have access to a lot of information on “what to do”, how to’s, and endless other pieces of content our culture circulates. This is a lifestyle blog that will help Mama’s, Mama’s – to- Be (M.T.B) & future M.T.Bs cut through the clutter and noise that filters down our feeds, timelines and inboxes on the regular and will provide a raw, unfiltered view on all things motherhood.
I’d be remiss not to acknowledge the Queen-Bee for her infamous line, “hot sauce in my bag- swag” which was the inspo for my blog name. Sauce is my metaphor for the sweat and tears that go into being a mother, while somehow managing to keep it together on the exterior (most days :-) ). Its not one ingredient to figuring this thing out, it’s JESUS himself and a force from within that makes what we do possible.Now I don’t profess to be an expert in any area of mommying, I just plan to share my lessons learned, highlight our favorite things; from helpful eating/ meal planning tips to fashion that's affordable and cute + traveling tips for families.
Come join our community; engage, uplift and ke-ke!